There once was a boy who had a great collection of marbles and a girl with an enormous collection of sweets. They were friends for many years and shared many adventures and secrets together. And ever since they had known each other they have observed what the other had and wished they had it themselves. The girl always wanted to play with the marbles but the boy didn’t want to share them with her. And because the boy wouldn’t share the marbles the girl didn’t share her candy with the boy. So finally one day they had agreed to make a deal. The boy would give the girl all his marbles, and the girl would give him all her sweets.
On the night before they were to make the exchange, the boy went through his marbles to pack them off in a bag. He came across a marble which was so beautiful that he decided to hide it under his bed. He packed the rest of his marbles in a bag to give to the girl. The girl also went through her sweets and put them all into a bag for the next day.
Finally, the day of the exchange came. The girl gave the boy the bag with all of her candy and the boy gave the girl his bag of marbles without the one he had hidden under his bed. That night, the girl went to sleep happy and peaceful as she now had a beautiful collection of marbles. But the boy looking at his collection of sweets thought to himself if the girl had given him all her sweets or did she like him hid the very best under her bed. He could not get to sleep, as he was weighed down by the thought of deception.
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